I have just realised how inconvenient this is, as it basically means it is impossible to add toplists for sites I have a CCBill affiliate code for.
Surely it would be far better to have the site URL as the defining field, and have it as a separate field for putgoing traffic with the option to tick a box and use the same for both? This would mean that you can set up affiliate links as your outgoing trade and therefore use the toplist option for different things.
For example, I would like to just put all my links into different toplists. I have defined groups, so that site can belong to one, or many groups. Each group will be displayed in a toplist on a different part of the site. I want to use tradepulse to track my traffic whether that be affiliate traffic or not, so even though I have affliliate links out, it will a) track the hits in and out and b) sort my list of sites of affiliate likes so that the most productive ones will be at the top of the list... easy, if the data is sorted by INCOMING and not OUTGOING domain... so really, the two should be separate???