Author Topic: blank overall / no outlist  (Read 13962 times)

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blank overall / no outlist
« on: April 25, 2009, 04:40:22 PM »
I have moved all my trades from a AT3 install to ScriptPulse some time before but since yesterday I had some troubles with it because I don't got anymore the "overall" list with my trades but all other was working fine. So I was thinking about that there was any caching problem with my browser. But right now each hour I will get less statistik working like "hourly stats" (nothing) , "outlist" (only secondary list). Some other like "geo", "referer", etc. were still working.

I have used some other computer too to be sure that it isn't any problem of my connection/machine. So on each one I will have the same result. My problem was also that there wasn't any OUT to my trades - I don't know since which time - but every time I got an OUT to (don't have activated "second click feature" still now - but had it before)

So my solucion was to make a custom backup and have restored the same one some couple of minutes later. So after I have done this my OUTLIST was back again and my overall worked fine for one (1) time showing it. Now it happens the same with a "blank page" and a high load average of my server if I will click on it. The problem with "no_url_secondary" isn't here and all works fine with gallery and traders I guess.

The result will be the same if I will do it with any other backup. But I guess the script will work fine behind after my outlist is still working. But I don't know what happens with the overall and hourly stat because if I will click it will produce a very high overload on the server.

So I will leave it with the solution that I have my outlist and traffic will be sent out because without it I will not send any hits out to traders and this will loose me a lot of traffic if I will experiment longer time with this.

Any hit what it can be ??
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 04:45:15 PM by SPEEDNIC »


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Re: blank overall / no outlist
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2009, 05:03:18 PM »
some more info : outlist will not be refeshed with any data like as it is static % right now. What I see too is that the on ScriptHealth the ms time is arround 3ms+ for OUT and 1ms+ for IN on the same server as another ScriptPulse (the other don't have so much trader but much lower ms stats).


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Re: blank overall / no outlist
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2009, 06:31:11 PM »
here an overview of each stuff of the script :

working :

    .) Statistics - Countries (working great)
    .) Statistics - Referer (within update button)
    .) Statistics - Links (all changes/counting works)
    .) Statistics - History (can be shown each one and I will see IN/OUT of traders)
    .) Statistics - Delivered URLs (refreshing and hit counting +/-)
    .) Analyzer - each one
    .) Network - Manage / MassUpdate
    .) Settings - each one
    .) Tools - each one (less of ScriptHealth is very high)

not working :

    .) Statistics - Overall (after long loading blank page)
    .) Statistics - Hourly (after long loading blank page)
    .) Statistics - Outlist (can be opened but no refreshing of points)
    .) Network - Stats (stat for own site frozen - other multistat works)
    .) Toplist (no automatic rebuild - manual rebuild works)

If I push to "Overall" I will see %CPU in "linux / top" about 150-200% (!!!!) - in this time the load average of the server (it is a AMD Dual Opteron 848 pure 64bit (amd64) machine) will be about 1.20 (1 min).

So I think the script will work behind without problems but I can't verify it because I only see some IN/OUT stats through the history stats and manual toplist rebuilds.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 06:34:29 PM by SPEEDNIC »


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Re: blank overall / no outlist
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2009, 11:36:02 PM »
it seems that the file /tp/data/stats/stats will not be generated well (result will be 0 bytes) and without this surely there is no output of "hourly stats" and "overall" - maybe there is any other file broken but I don't know which one. "cached_trades" and "trades" looks ok same as some other information files in /stats directory

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Re: blank overall / no outlist
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2009, 04:16:50 AM »
send us tp and ftp info to and and write this forum link inside. We will check asap.


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Re: blank overall / no outlist
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2009, 02:26:45 PM »
I will send you an Email shortly.

But in the meantime I have solved it with a new install in following steps because I lost a lot of traffic from traders :

.) export of trader to txt-file
.) move of /tp directory to /tp_notworking
.) fresh install of ScriptPulse to /tp
.) copy of /tp_notworking/data/settings to /tp/data/settings
.) import of trader list to new install
.) copy of /tp_notworking/data/stats/*.info files to /tp/data/stats/ to have all information settings of the trader in the new install

optional you can do a copy of all logs/history files too to have the old stats for the trader if you want but for me it wasn't important because I was only loosing 3 days of stats.

additional - as tested - the problem can be rebuild if you will use the old "/tp/data/stats/traderlist" with the new one - so maybe this file or any combined file was damage within an adding or anything else.


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Re: blank overall / no outlist
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2009, 11:43:37 PM »
I had sent you some couple before an email but right now I have the same problem on the fresh install again. Clicking on Overall - working hard and long time with blank page result - result stats file 0 bytes. If I will copy a older "stats" file from a backup to the acutal stats directory I can open the overall again and it seems that "stats" works for 1 minute after it will be generated as 0 byte in background again even I don't open the overall stat ... after first crash outlist points are frozen.

OUT handling will still work but I don't know if IN/OUT counting will work fine in fact as I can't open the hourly and overall stats for the traders. it its a little bit strange because on the second domain I don't have never this troubles and the only difference is the amount of the trader and file size of stats file.

The settings are the same as on other domain less of trader information. What I can see is that the problem domain will have about 3ms as the other will only have 1ms OUT handling. So I don't want to reinstall the script each day to get working :( Some urgent help would be very nice :-*
« Last Edit: April 26, 2009, 11:47:46 PM by SPEEDNIC »


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Re: blank overall / no outlist
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2009, 01:48:26 AM »
some more info : after re-copy a working stats file from backup to stats-directory, deleting about 30% of trades (blacklisted) it will work again (also background generating) and outlist points will be updated again too. let us see if it will happen again with smaler trader list ;)

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Re: blank overall / no outlist
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2009, 05:07:13 AM »
got mail, kildoozer will look into this today. thnx


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Re: blank overall / no outlist
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2009, 09:06:58 AM »
thx a lot ... if he need something he can contact me on ICQ too ... now the 0 byte stats come more often as before with more traders even if I do nothing inside the script ... it is very strange but I do copy the stats file all several minutes and re-copy it back after crash ;)