Trade Pulse > Trade Pulse Bug Reports

hourly force and inactive trades


Ipoli told me that if you have an hourly force set and the trade is inactive it shouldn't send any traffic... it does... he asked me to report it as a bug... and thus... reported. Personally, I think that this is the correct thing... if you have a force set it should send it no matter what... inactive or not. I noticed when you add a new trade it places it in inactive... so how else would you force traffic unless it's timed.

will be fixed, thnx

we are now on it, for new trades you can use TIMED forces and INSTANT forces ;)

i currently deal with that like that
i set a timed force of 1 hour (annother bug to be solved, that it looses the more hours)
and then just the normal forces, and remove them manually after 24+ hours



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