Trade Pulse > Trade Pulse Change Log

TP Version 1.0.9 build 44

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1) new algo - TradePulse2 - I won't speak much about, give it a try...on ALL sites we tested it on - we saw growth from 10% to 400% - it FUCKIN ROCKS! New algo is selected BY DEFAULT when you update. Please try it out, it MUST grow your site!
2) spiders are now sent 100% to content and not counted in case they go to trades - there is NO POINT to send them to trades - it kills effect values etc
3) lock.php and unlock.php - read below
4) removed p2 and p3 from out settings and algo - they ruined delivery, affected it in negative way
5) faster delivery of forces - forces are now delivered 3x faster, we made it TOO SMOOTH before
6) new boost behavior - you can set either 1 nitro boost or 2 high forces, this is security measure so that you dont kill your site
7) we made editable couple options in settings/out/modifiers
8) We set default count clicks from user to 5, since 5 is ideal number for our new algo to work.
9) We set traffic quality all country groups to 10 to give you MAXIMAL traffic. U can easily set it to good: 10, normal: 9, bad:5 as it was before

Bug fixes:

1) Blacklist nameservers issue
2) n/a alexa stats
3) Start trade in PulseTrades
4) Problem with blank admin pages for some servers
5) New trade email
6) Niche/owner with space problem - this was reported as bug but we tested and it works fine - it must be local problem
7) Copy trades to other sites - same as above

lock.php and unlock.php

What is it for?
It is used to LOCK TradePulse files, so they cant be edited. It is security measure so that in case hacker installs shell exec script or found any other way to change your files - you are safe - he can't do it! Hacker can change your files when they are locked just by a) getting your ftp username/pwd or root access b) if you use suphp - so basically just in case your general server security is not good and with 0 day exploits. Make sure before you lock your files that tp/tpupdater.php is 14722 bytes. If it's not download , upload it to your site and update your script before LOCKING!

How to use it?
Ask your host/admin/you to login as root, cd to tp directory on each of your TradePulse domains and execute script like this:

--- Code: ---/usr/local/bin/php lock.php user:group
--- End code ---

and all TradePulse files will be locked

When you wanna update your script, host/admin/you needs to run unlock.php again on each of your TradePulse  with root access

--- Code: ---/usr/local/bin/php unlock.php
--- End code ---

so that web update can write to php files - othervise you will not be able to update your TradePulse. After update again LOCK files.

With this method, we locked files and SOLVED all security problems. It is just couple minutes to do each cpl months when we do updates and it is 500x more secure! We recommend all users to LOCK their files.

Comments, suggestions, questions?

P.S. we added 1 more file to update with 4 hours delay, we decided to include new faster version of c.php. I hope its not big problem :). We also RECOMMEND to reset trade stats, so algo can work from 0.

I ran the updater manually on each domain but then I ran a massupdate and it changed the vtop.php permissions, any idea why that happened?  I redid each one manually before asking to lock the files just in case.

Hi Shawn,
there is no any difference between manual or mass update, same methods used. Anyway each of them trying to set 777 perms after update to be able make update next time.
So now update each copy and run lock.php via ssh.

I have new server setup with suphp. this makes 777  non exisistant on my server. this is new to me to install scripts with 750 or 755. are you saying suphp is bad? I would like to know before using this new server.....

Yes, I spoken with multiple admins and they told me suphp is not way to go. Don't use it, simply lock files with our tool and problem solved.


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