Author Topic: nginx fast-cgi --> tp stat are frozen  (Read 7922 times)

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Offline henta0578

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nginx fast-cgi --> tp stat are frozen
« on: February 11, 2011, 05:28:13 AM »

I just moved from apache2 to nginx. Nginx serving static and dynamic content with fast-cig.

Under apache2 everything works fine.
Under nginx, everything works fine (skimming, toplists, st, access to tp...), except that the stats in tp stay the same: the total in or clicks under 24h of all my sites stay still to the same number  :o, even if I see in tp that the hours change and at the bottom Exec time is moving.

Any idea would be welcome.

Offline donedeal

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Re: nginx fast-cgi --> tp stat are frozen
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2011, 09:47:49 PM »
I had my host do some testing with nginx. I had them put it in front of everything so it would serve all thumbs, images, video, etc. But the downside is all of it would come from one ip. Theres some advanced coding that can rectify this in some server config files but I just switched it so nginx would just serve behind the tgp thumbs folder.

Not sure what your running but if its a tgp, the thumbs are what I find is important to serve with nginx. Once i did this the ip's, tracking in my trade pulse admin went good again.

Offline henta0578

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Re: nginx fast-cgi --> tp stat are frozen
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2011, 02:38:15 AM »
Thanks for your reply.

Advance coding... scares me a little, so I went back to nginx for static and apache for dynamic.
I had a problem of both binding on the same port 80, but I resolved it by binding nginx on port 80 and apache on port 8080.

So everything works fine now. :)
Thanks again. bye