I have one trade that is sending me 53% traffic from the country Turkey, which is listed in the "normal" group, rather than in the good group. However my site is sending back 47% traffic from the US, which is in the good group. Shouldn't the script be sending back a higher percentage from the lower groups, rather than loading him up with good traffic from the US?
Here are the top 10 stats for the trade:
Incoming countries
Country Hits
TR Turkey 979 (53.61 %)
US United States 246 (13.47 %)
DE Germany 109 (5.97 %)
FR France 61 (3.34 %)
CA Canada 29 (1.59 %)
GB United Kingdom 28 (1.53 %)
IT Italy 28 (1.53 %)
JP Japan 26 (1.42 %)
ES Spain 21 (1.15 %)
PL Poland 21 (1.15 %)
Outgoing countries
Country Hits
US United States 417 (47.39 %)
DE Germany 86 (9.77 %)
FR France 37 (4.2 %)
TR Turkey 23 (2.61 %)
CA Canada 22 (2.5 %)
IT Italy 22 (2.5 %)
ES Spain 18 (2.05 %)
JP Japan 16 (1.82 %)
PL Poland 15 (1.7 %)
SE Sweden 14 (1.59 %)