Author Topic: the way of clicks ...  (Read 8693 times)

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the way of clicks ...
« on: May 13, 2009, 03:08:46 AM »
I have some question about the way/counting of a clicks. Here is an example of a trade with following stats :

IN Total : 133  IN UNIQUE : 131 (98.5%)  IN PROXY : 9 (6.77%)
OUT Total : 53  OUT UNIQUE : 53 (100%) OUT PROXY : 0 (0%)
Clicks Total : 187  Clicks UNIQUE : 83 (44.39%)  Clicks Proxy : 10 (5.35%)

In total the trade will have a prod. of like 120%. If I will take a look to the stats I will see the right amount of 187 clicks (145 to gallery / 42 to trader) even with a look to the "popular links" for that trader I will see the right amount of 187 (for all links) too - all fine :)

But which kind of "click" will counted in which way.  I have declared in OUT that any Proxy-Hit will go directly to "gallery". Would be this kind of click a "gallery click" or a "redirect" click in my stats ? If first of all this would increase the trade skim.

Otherwise I guess that a p=100 will be counted as "gallery" click even it is not any kind of gallery click (like external advertising click with tracking url) - isn't it ? But what about link=toplist**&p=100 which should be a trader click ??

Any clicks without p= or/and s= would go to skim% ?? ok, but I have done some test with a own trade of mine with like the same stats (from another script) with skim of 1% up to 90%. Strange is that the amount of clicks to "trader / gallery" on TP side even will be the same.

I think about where will be the difference if I will have 60% to gallery or only 20% to gallery if there will go out to trader every time the same amount ?? With the example the same - 187 clicks and only 45 to trade seems a little strange too even I had declared that the trade will have a trade scheme with 60% skim but in overall stat I will see that the trade will produce a skim of over 80% ??

Maybe I have missunderstanding something with the counting  ???

Offline ip0li

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Re: the way of clicks ...
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2009, 03:25:47 AM »
it's simple
this is counted as 60% to content, 40% to trades

this is counted as 100% to trades

so for example, if skim on all your content links=70 and overall toplist clicks=10% overall skim will be 70%-toplists clicks%=60%.

all traffic which is sent in settings/out TABLE OF SPECIALIZED OUT SETTINGS is going to redirected traffic, and is counted based where it goes(skim wise)...

Is it clear now :)


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Re: the way of clicks ...
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2009, 03:17:10 AM »
not 100% clear ??? - redirected clicks ok but gallery/trade clicks not.

Example : I have an advertising with tracking url (so I must use "url=" that tracking will work). I have defined <domainname>/tp/out.php?link=adv_xxxx&p=100&url=<url> as outgoing like which should be 100% SKIM to that outgoing advertising - right ?

Additionaly for better couting I have added a trade (disabled) with the same domain name as used at the outgoing link path in the <url>. Shouldn't it be counted as "out" under this "trader" or/and as "click to trade" ?? If I will look on my trade stats (who will produce the clicks) the clicks will be counted (100% sure) as "gallery-click"

For example : within "popular links" I will see 10% clicks to toplist, 32% clicks to movie/text and 58% clicks to Advertising. On the trader stat (overall g.clicks, t.clicks) I will see 77% to gallery, 23% to trader. This 23% to trader would be like the default skim of the 32% of clicks to movie/text. But what about the rest ??

On trade stat I will see a skim of about 75% which will be a result that like "58% clicks to advertise" would be securely counted as gallery clicks - this looks so in my eyes but maybe I am wrong.

As result there are 2 questions :

.) why don't will be reflect the out clicks of advertising on the correct trade as "out" but surely as g.clicks on trader ?? is there a difference of trader/trader - maybe in fact of "disabled" ??

.) why I will get xx% to trade (as above 23% to trader) even the skim is not set to "default" and will have a "trade scheme" or should it be a problem if I don't use "p=/s=" within the links ?? Or it is a must to have a p=/s= on outgoing links that any skim scheme of a trade get active because it looks like as this that the trade don't will use the scheme but every time the defined "default skim" - is this right ??

thx a lot

Offline ip0li

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Re: the way of clicks ...
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2009, 02:47:20 AM »
Mate let's keep it simple, from reading your post I'm just confused lol and my head hurts lol...

Do it this way:

If U wanna track ads as:

1) Advertising Trade: /tp/out.php?link=adv_xxxx&
2) No Tracking in index stats: /tp/out.php?link=adv_xxxx&p=100&url=

Simple as cake and please don't make rocket science out of it. Over and out.