Feature Highlights:PULSE TRADESNow U can be a part of evolution, part of PULSE TRADES. Pulse trades is system where U join directory of Trade Pulse sites and U can signup for trades with 1 click of a mouse. You can even queue sites to be added each 12 hours for example and set forces etc for future.
U can add buddies so they can be auto approved at your sites and you are auto approved at their sites, otherwise U need to approve trades as U set on new trade options.
This system will help U get trades with sites who are in SIMILAR NICHE and have SIMILAR TRAFFIC + you can comment and rate trades and webmasters so cheaters and honest webmasters will be easily noticed!
Instead of typing for hours, now all U have to do is set rules for search and add trades. Enjoy this feature please as much as we enjoyed creating it!
U can access Pulse Trades at Network/Pulse Trades.
Make sure to set if you wanna be part of pulse trades, publish stats and other pulse trades related options at Network/Manage screen.
NEW ANTI CHEAT SYSTEMU can see in layout that we added Threat column. Threat is combined browser and user reaction analyzing system which is trying to catch hitbots with different trap methods. U can see numbers are 0 to 100 - lower the number -> cleaner trade is(notice: if trade is sending you a lot of Threat traffic it can mean that they are also getting bombed by hitbots from traders - so, please, notice them and help them find cheater in their incoming traffic pool).
U can also in settings/out set that algo points are modified with (100-Threat) -> so basically your script will automatically send less to trades who send worse traffic. Keep in mind this can lower down your traffic because A LOT of traffic fluctuating around is FAKE - but even if your traffic goes down I can bet that your sales ratios will go UP!
For best anti cheat detection make sure both filter.php (auto added with ssi_in.php) and img.php are inserted on your pages -> here is how to do it:
Bug Fixes:1) Forces are now copied when U mass edit trade on remote sites
2) Fixed email HTML issues(U should select HTML format)
3) If we have toplist in "/includes/" directory, then preview action ignores INC and calling this directory as /ludes/
4) Couple smaller non noticeable bugs solved.
Features:1) Checkbox so U can now mass edit system trades and change their trade schemes
2) Daily stats in history by range, now U can use it for longer then 30 days!
3) Daily force - U can set daily force to trade - so called trade keep alive - no more need to force 24 hits to trade in 24hrs, U can now send 1,2 or 5 hits to trade within 24hrs to keep it alive - saves a lot of out hits during 24hrs if U have many small trades!
4) When trade is disabled or autostopped now it's moved to inactive list.
5) Pulse Trades
6) New Anti Cheat System
We also added in-site help files on some settings where we thought that they need extra explanations.