Author Topic: Root/ must be chmod 777 ? (sorry, speak a little english)  (Read 17421 times)

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Offline Matthieu

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Root/ must be chmod 777 ? (sorry, speak a little english)
« on: March 13, 2011, 10:36:02 AM »

I try to install TP on my website (wordpress) but I have one problem.

Install is OK and TP purpose me to connect on my admin page.

When I try to go on the login area (via the link), I have a 404 error.

I precise : I don't have change the root chmod to 777. But script is correctly installed.

Thank for your help. I really want to work with TP.

Offline Matthieu

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I have this message :
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2011, 11:18:19 AM »
First :  :D

Step 1 of 3: Server Checking
Zend Optimizer   OK
Safe mode disabled   OK
PHP Version   OK
Allow_url_fopen   OK

Next :  :D

Step 2 of 3: Settings
Licence code   
Full path to 'tp' directory   
Site Category:   
Site Niche:   
Site Type:   

Next :  :D

Creating files and directories
Creating directory "tp"................ Already exists, OK
Creating directory "tp/css"................ OK
Creating directory "tp/data"................ OK
Creating directory "tp/data/algos"................ OK
Creating directory "tp/data/algos/TradePulse"................ OK
Creating directory "tp/data/algos/TradePulseReturn"................ OK
Creating directory "tp/graph"................ OK
Creating directory "tp/img"................ OK
Creating directory "tp/js"................ OK
Creating directory "tp/thumbs"................ OK
Creating directory "tp/tops"................ OK
Creating directory "tp/data/backup"................ OK
Creating directory "tp/data/content"................ OK
Creating directory "tp/data/logs"................ OK
Creating directory "tp/data/logs/cache"................ OK
Creating directory "tp/data/settings"................ OK
Creating directory "tp/data/stats"................ OK
Creating directory "tp/data/stats/history"................ OK
Setting up variables .....................................OK
Creating files .................................... OK
Creating stats data .....................................OK
Copying files from the server. Please wait...
> tp_in.php................OK
> tp/access_log.php................OK
> tp/GeoIP.dat................OK
> tp/a_stats.php................OK
> tp/aca.php................OK
> tp/blacklist.php................OK
> tp/admin.php................OK
> tp/alg.php................OK
> tp/auth.php................OK
> tp/class.Misc.php................OK
> tp/c.php................OK
> tp/
> tp/geo.php................OK
> tp/class.Inline.php................OK
> tp/class.Outline.php................OK
> tp/class.Settings.php................OK
> tp/class.Stats.php................OK
> tp/class.Trader.php................OK
> tp/class.Unique.php................OK
> tp/img.php................OK
> tp/click_time_stats.php................OK
> tp/confirm_trade.php................OK
> tp/content.php................OK
> tp/crontest.php................OK
> tp/delete.php................OK
> tp/delivered_urls.php................OK
> tp/dyncron.php................OK
> tp/edit.php................OK
> tp/edit_dynamic_scheme.php................OK
> tp/encoder.php................OK
> tp/filter.php................OK
> tp/footer.php................OK
> tp/geoip.txt................OK
> tp/get_al.php................OK
> tp/go.php................OK
> tp/groups.php................OK
> tp/gs.php................OK
> tp/header.php................OK
> tp/help.dat................OK
> tp/helper.php................OK
> tp/history.php................OK
> tp/multisite_stats.php................OK
> tp/hourlystats.php................OK
> tp/import.php................OK
> tp/in.php................OK
> tp/index.php................OK
> tp/ip_stats.php................OK
> tp/link_stats.php................OK
> tp/links.php................OK
> tp/login.php................OK
> tp/logs.php................OK
> tp/mailer.php................OK
> tp/maketop.php................OK
> tp/mass.php................OK
> tp/menu.php................OK
> tp/outlist.php................OK
> tp/referrers.php................OK
> tp/q_stats.php................OK
> tp/remote_updater.php................OK
> tp/reflist.php................OK
> tp/reset.php................OK
> tp/req.php................OK
> tp/script_health.php................OK
> tp/restore.php................OK
> tp/show_threads.php................OK
> tp/settings.php................OK
> tp/surfer_activity.php................OK
> tp/ssi_in.php................OK
> tp/top_thumb.php................OK
> tp/tools.php................OK
> tp/trader_graph.php................OK
> tp/toplist.php................OK
> tp/trade.php................OK
> tp/a_ft.php................OK
> tp/trader_history.php................OK
> tp/trader_links.php................OK
> tp/trader_refs.php................OK
> tp/trader_stats.php................OK
> tp/trash.php................OK
> tp/updater.php................OK
> tp/vtop.php................OK
> tp/wmipinfo.php................OK
> tp/buddies.php................OK
> tp/class.PT.php................OK
> tp/pt_buddy.php................OK
> tp/pt_data.php................OK
> tp/pt_req.php................OK
> tp/pt_trade.php................OK
> tp/pulsetrades.php................OK
> tp/sync.php................OK
> tp/tp_cron.php................OK
> tp/netgrowth.php................OK
> tp/graph/history_graph.php................OK
> tp/graph/hgraph.php................OK
> tp/graph/
> tp/graph/htgraph.php................OK
> tp/graph/jpgraph_bar.php................OK
> tp/graph/jpgraph.php................OK
> tp/graph/jpgraph_gradient.php................OK
> tp/graph/jpgraph_error.php................OK
> tp/graph/jpgraph_plotband.php................OK
> tp/graph/jpgraph_line.php................OK
> tp/graph/jpgraph_pie.php................OK
> tp/graph/jpgraph_pie3d.php................OK
> tp/graph/
> tp/graph/links_graph.php................OK
> tp/graph/pgraph.php................OK
> tp/graph/ptgraph.php................OK
> tp/graph/trade_history_graph.php................OK
> tp/js/jscripts.js................OK
> tp/js/info.js................OK
> tp/js/mm_menu.js................OK
> tp/js/mass.js................OK
> tp/js/Autocompleter.js................OK
> tp/js/stats.js................OK
> tp/js/Autocompleter.Local.js................OK
> tp/js/mootools-1.2.4-core-yc.js................OK
> tp/img/bgfoot.jpg................OK
> tp/img/bg.jpg................OK
> tp/img/edit.png................OK
> tp/img/d.gif................OK
> tp/img/star.gif................OK
> tp/img/info.png................OK
> tp/img/logo.jpg................OK
> tp/img/more.png................OK
> tp/img/p.jpg................OK
> tp/img/q.gif................OK
> tp/img/r.gif................OK
> tp/img/t.gif................OK
> tp/img/tlogo.jpg................OK
> tp/img/tlogob.jpg................OK
> tp/img/tlogor.jpg................OK
> tp/img/w.gif................OK
> tp/img/star-empty.gif................OK
> tp/img/star-half.gif................OK
> tp/img/star-ps.gif................OK
> tp/img/star-ps-empty.gif................OK
> tp/img/star-ps-half.gif................OK
> tp/img/arrow_green.png................OK
> tp/img/arrow_red.png................OK
> tp/css/style.css................OK
> tp/data/algos/TradePulse/step1.php.backup................OK
> tp/data/algos/TradePulse/step1.php................OK
> tp/data/algos/TradePulse/backup.php................OK
> tp/data/algos/TradePulseReturn/step1.php.backup................OK
> tp/data/algos/TradePulseReturn/step1.php................OK
> tp/data/settings/trade.php.lang.default................OK
> tp/out.php................OK

Finally :  :o

Installation successfully completed
Please login to admin area and change user/pass (current user: admin, pass: password).

When I try to go on admin area, I have a 404 error  :'(

Offline Matthieu

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I've found the problem
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2011, 11:24:49 AM »
Why I have a 404 error because the file tp/login.php is on CHMOD 777

I pass it on CHMOD 755 and it's OK.

But I can't connect me.

I insert my ID and password and nothing !

An Idea ?

Offline Matthieu

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Re: Root/ must be chmod 777 ? (sorry, speak a little english)
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2011, 12:36:38 PM »
It's OK.

I've found the solution.

Problem come from chmod.

Offline Andrew

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Re: Root/ must be chmod 777 ? (sorry, speak a little english)
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2011, 12:46:16 PM »
Good to hear you have found the problem  :)

Please do tell us what the problem was

Offline Matthieu

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Re: Root/ must be chmod 777 ? (sorry, speak a little english)
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2011, 01:23:58 PM »

TP say to put file install.php on chmod 777 and directory tp/ on 777 too.

I don't have do that. But no result and error 404.

I've left the file install.php on 755 and tp/ too.

After, I change all file of tp/ must be on chmod 755.

Install is ok.

In the file index.php (which is on root of wordpress) instead of virtual, I use require.

Now everything is ok

Offline Andrew

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Re: Root/ must be chmod 777 ? (sorry, speak a little english)
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2011, 06:30:39 AM »
Thank you for explaining Matthieu,
all the best