Author Topic: TP not tracking properly?  (Read 8377 times)

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TP not tracking properly?
« on: November 07, 2009, 05:48:14 PM »
I have a trade between two of my sites, Pornstar Paradise and Sexy Babe Paradise (let's call them PSP and SBP).  Yesterday I set a force of 50 hits per hour from PSP to SBP.  Today, looking at the stats on both sites, I am a bit concerned because there are some wild variations between the two.  I understand that there will be some loss due to surfers not letting the page load, etc... but these variations are a bit extreme and it's starting to make me wonder if the script is tracking properly.  Here's a table of the numbers I see on each site:

PSP                           SBP

HR    IN     OUT          HR     IN     OUT
0      13     45             0      46     14
1       6      35             1      42     9
2      13     49             2      44     19
3      14     47             3      46     17
4      17     47             4      41     18
5      19     47             5      39     20
6      20     43             6      45     22
7      18     42             7      39     18
8      18     50             8      48     21
9      18     49             9      41     26
10    15      50            10     49     19
11     22     48            11     42     21
12     19     50            12     42     42
13     18     42            13     29     52
14     20     50            14     40     62
15      7      45            15     38     33
16     14     53            16     42     69
17     12     43            17     26     66
18     10     50            18     29     52
19     10     52            19     35     67

The PSP out to SBP in is pretty much ok, with only a little bit of loss which is normal.  But what concerns me is when SBP started reacting to the trade, and sending back on its own, at around the 12 hour mark it started to send back the same or more that it was receiving.  However on the PSP in side, you'll see it only registered 20-30% of what SBP was sending out.

This really worries me, because I have been having a hell of a time getting Pornstar Paradise to trade well, and this might be the reason why.  If this is happening with one of my own sites as a trade, it's very possible it's happening with other trades as well.

Does anyone know what might be causing this, and how can I fix it?