3 per trade values should be added for the perfect results:
Part of img url: Most sites run a script like smartthumbs, so its very easy to grab the right thumbs from sites like that just by forcing the script to grab the thumbs including "/st/thumbs/" in the image url, or just a part of that "thumb". this should be a per trade value and should be edited in the trade edit screen.
Default can be "thumb" or not filled out/not active
Img dimention lock: The thumb dimention check should also be used just for sites who use smartthumbs for the top banners too (no way you will see the difference in thumb url), here should the thumb dimentions also be a part of the filter, they also should be edited in the per trade settings, like only grab thumbs with size 146px x 190px for example (effective for
www.innocentdream.com). Default not filled out, so not active.
First thumb to grab: Now we already have this feature on a global scale, when we want the 6th picture from a particular trade because the 1st 5 are banners we will have to deal with the fact that we will ist the 6th picture for all trades, this is wrong. this should just be a per trade value with a default set at 1.