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Topics - kylesk

Pages: [1]
Trade Pulse Support / Blank out.php page
« on: December 02, 2015, 12:50:21 PM »
Been going through the search on here and have read that ssi_in.php has to have ran.

I have <?php virtual("/tp/ssi_in.php")?> in the body of my header along with  <img src="/tp/img.php" width="0" height="0" .

I can see lots of notrade traffic showing up in the overview so it seems to be working.

I am on a wordpress site and am just modifying all of my index/archive/search pages.
By default wordpress uses <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"> for a post.

I changed it to this.. which works with other trade scripts.
<a href="/tp/out.php?s=1&url=<?php the_permalink() ?>">

I set up my own skim scheme and added my own website in as a trade just to test if its working.

Just takes me to a blank page.

Pages: [1]