Trade Pulse Support / Re: ScriptPulse needs your help: SUPPORT US with 2% of clicks!
« on: December 08, 2011, 05:16:38 AM »Regarding new features we have some ideas for future. At the moment is there ANY feature we miss that will not do overload on server or over bloat our script with unused features? If you know some or anyone else we will do it ofcourse, what the heck we maybe even skipped some from feature requests after all we are not robots.
Nobody is a robot but if there is only 1 programmer behind it is more difficult to increase the ideas and fixes even mostly it is not the only work the programmer will do. Feature : example Multiserver/Heartbeat
I am also interested which trade script has more features then we do? Can you please name it?
I haven't said more features but there are similar scripts with like the same features (some different) like as from smartCJ.com otherwise a lot of users don't need a lot of features but some features (as I know it from my side) often are missing - not only in ScriptPulse.
Regarding updates, again, which script is more updated?
The sum of updates is the big point. An update with on stuff in my eyes isn't a recent update even it is only y "bug fix". Many scripts will do updates like aout each 3 month (as named above) but with a lot of stuff as shown in changelog. A high build number don't means there are a lot of updates - only that often there will be done a little bit to improve/fix the script.
Anyway thnx for critic, if you feel so bad that we take 2% msg me and we will make custom install which takes 1%.
The critic was more about the "paid model" as the whole branch is still a little bit in crisis and the sales are lower as a year before. So it is much harder to earn money even the user will sell the traffic on his own account like through "feeds".
Otherwise I don't know any script which will count 2% on that business. Some scripts - as I told before as many features are not important - are much cheaper in paid version. Still I will use older "free" versions which have the 1% and at the moment I guess I don't do an upgrade as still we don't support php 5.3 in fact of a lot of errors and in fact of this IonCube isn't important right now.
Why you don't - even you want to produce a good script - make a different paid-model to make difference to the business as this is the idea of the script ?? like this :
paid v1 (with all features) : $250 ...
paid v2 (without network feature) : $150 ...
paid v3 (maybe some features less) : $100 ...
free v1 (1% skim) : $50 ...
free v2 (2% skim) : free