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Messages - Morphius

Pages: [1]
Trade Pulse Support / Re: Dynamic skim question
« on: December 08, 2008, 08:08:15 PM »
Can anyone please hit me up at 177339560 to fix my setup? I guess I fucked something up since even with NO dynamic skim it is at 16% which is just rediculous. I double-checked everything and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Trade Pulse Support / Re: Dynamic skim question
« on: December 07, 2008, 06:02:02 AM »
Rule priority: 10

In index template I have ?s=1, so do I have to set rule number 1 priority to 10? Curently it's set to -1.


Edit: What's "rule priority"? Can you please give me an example of how it works exactly?

Trade Pulse Support / Dynamic skim question
« on: December 06, 2008, 11:49:23 PM »
How exactly do I implement these rules:

1) "if return to trades for the last 24 hours is less than 100% then set skim to X% for Y hours"
2) "if return to trades for the last 60 minutes is less than 100% then set skim to X% for Y hours"

Please advise.

Pages: [1]