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Messages - Keith Bussey

Pages: [1]
Trade Pulse Support / Re: Hourly Force Question
« on: February 13, 2009, 08:52:26 AM »
if you set 20/hour, it will try to send the minimum and it the trade perfoms good it will surely send out more

you can see that as a "Trade Keep Alive"
- if it works well it will send more
- if not it will send the 20/ hour

if you want it the other way around, like not send more than 20 per hour, then you have to set that in max out per hour

hope this helps

Ah, perfect then. I had hoped this is how it works, but searching the forum I found a post stating it would stop at the hourly force and not do more. Guess that post was just inaccurate  :)

Trade Pulse Support / Hourly Force Question
« on: February 12, 2009, 02:49:16 PM »
Hi guys,

I'm sure this is a simple question, but I searched the forums to no avail.

When I set Hourly Force to say '20', from what i understood this will try to send 20 hits to the trade per hour until I change it. However, will it send more or stop at 20 for that hour?

Basically, I want to send a MINIMUM of 20 per hour, but if there is more it can send, then I want it to go ahead and send more if possible the way it would normally send them out as if hourly force was 0. How could I do this ??

Trade Pulse Support / Re: out.php issues/questions
« on: February 09, 2009, 02:48:34 PM »
Sent you an ICQ but never got any reply (mine is 520468)

I believe I figured it out though, I had to set minimum daily activity to 0 (default was 1) otherwise they kept losing their active status. All is working well now  :)

Though, I still have my question of if there actually ARE no valid trades, can we set the default URL to not be ?

Trade Pulse Support / out.php issues/questions
« on: February 09, 2009, 12:09:41 PM »

I have two major issues/questions. I have searched through the forum and read the guide but cannot find any help.

1) redirects me to (which is a 404). I don't get why it's not finding the trade and not sending out. Also, isn't there a way to specify a default URl to use instead of the non-existant page in case there really is no matching trade found ?

2) gives me a blank white page - I basically tried the URL from above removing the http://www.

The only thing I came up with when browsing through the Forum is some people had the white page issue when they didn't install from ROOT dir. This is NOt my situation as I DID install by running /install.php in my web root.

Please help, we'd like to get using this script on many domains (and will likely purchase it) but only if we can actually get it working...

Trade Pulse Support / Re: Toplists not being generated (0 byte files)
« on: February 09, 2009, 11:05:22 AM »
Nevermind found my problem. My one test trade was 'autostopped' status, setting it to active toplist generation works great =)

Trade Pulse Support / Toplists not being generated (0 byte files)
« on: February 09, 2009, 10:58:56 AM »

We are new to tradepulse but cannot get the toplists to generate properly.

here are my INPUT and OUTPUT lines:

/usr/   /usr/   
/usr/   /usr/   

here is the ls -la of the /usr/ directory:

-rwxrwxrwx  1 apache apache 11425 Feb  9 19:46 template100.tpl
-rwxrwxrwx  1 apache apache  2123 Feb  9 19:46 template18.tpl
-rwxrwxrwx  1 apache apache     0 Feb  9 19:11 top100.html
-rwxrwxrwx  1 apache apache     0 Feb  9 18:47 top18.html

You can see they are two 0 byte files. The directory in question is 777 and the .tpls save fine whenever I update them. If I remove the .html and click "Rebuild Tops" nothing happens at all, not even 0 byte files get re-generated.

I tried to make the settings as easy as possible, ie. Minimum In 0...I even tried setting the Update Frequency to 1 minute. No luck.

Any clues what the problem is ??

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