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Messages - Martin

Pages: [1]
Trade Pulse Support / Re: in traffic problem
« on: May 20, 2009, 07:31:48 AM »
ok. thanks again. i will have a look at this a few days.

Trade Pulse Support / in traffic problem
« on: May 20, 2009, 04:11:14 AM »
i've got a problem with trade pulse. today i checked some stats and it looks like the incoming number of hits is not correct.

it shows me on tp (for my top trade)
6800 hits in - 3700 hits out - 9500 clicks

with google analytics i've got
4800 hits in (same trade :) )

on the webmaster page of my tradepartner i've got
4900 hits in (out hits from him)

so theres a difference from ~ 2000 hits (20%)

overall in hits on tp: 33k
on google: 26k

my site: www . thehotbabes . net

what can i do?
plz help - thanks martin

Trade Pulse Support / Re: need help
« on: April 14, 2009, 01:25:38 PM »
thanks for fast reply :) results are really good for the moment. will test it for this week.

Trade Pulse Support / need help
« on: April 14, 2009, 08:42:16 AM »
I've installed tp on some of my domains for testing. everything is working really fine, but i've got an huge amount of "not counted" clicks. i already tried to set the option for "not counted" clicks to 25 but amount of those clicks stays the same (~ 8 - 11%). is this normal?

thanks for help

Pages: [1]