Hi there,
yesterday I started a new TGP at
http://your-porn-world.net/ with TGPX and Tradepulse.
I put the toplist to the footer by {phpcode} include ('tp/tops/out.html'); {/phpcode}
The html toplist code in tradepulse toplist looks like this:
<div style="margin-left:6px;">Trades: <a href="
http://your-porn-world.net/tp/out.php?url=%%DOMAIN3%%">%%NAME1%%</a> + <a href="
http://your-porn-world.net/tp/out.php?url=%%DOMAIN2%%">%%NAME2%%</a> +
<a href="
http://your-porn-world.net/tp/out.php?url=%%DOMAIN3%%">%%name3%%</a> + <a href="
http://your-porn-world.net/tp/out.php?url=%%DOMAIN4%%">%%name4%%</a> +
<a href="
http://your-porn-world.net/tp/out.php?url=%%DOMAIN5%%">%%name5%%</a> + <a href="
There's one trade made but not displayed? What went wrong?
Please help. Thanks.
Best Regards,