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Messages - H

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Trade Pulse Support / WHY are trades limited to one per domain??
« on: June 09, 2012, 05:03:58 AM »
I am allowed to network multiple TP running tgps on a single network.  I've done so and nothing bad happened.
There is no code in place to block a 2nd network site if it comes from the same domain.

You can install multiple TP installations onto a single domain. Theres a thread here about that. I've done so and nothing bad happens then either.

What is the logic (I really am asking for the reason) behind not allowing two trades from the same domain to exist?
WHY CANT I add a 2nd trade from the same domain ?
IS there a true reason why this can never be allowed?

if there isnt any reason other than the column header says domain and you only display the domain - cant we look at that as an outdated feature. PLEASE DOZER??

Trade Pulse Support / network SYNC - toplist sync - what happens?
« on: June 07, 2012, 12:49:13 PM »
I have a toplist at poorteds that I want to bring into all my other networked sites (which currently dont have their toplists set) - is that what this will do?

thanks Dozer - I can use that info to minimize my time spent resetting the permissions from 777.

so to summerize, the answer to my inquiry, there is not.moving hosts isnt an option for me as I have other scripts that are now tuned and tweaked to run correctly....

Why U dont go with for example? They have experience with adult sites and they allow those permissions. Their prices are more then good :)
thats your answer to my question?

It is really easiest to simply do regular installs, copying and modifying paths etc will be much harder.
doing the install part is easy. that isnt the part thats a pain

Regarding permissions, TP needs those permissions with reason, database files must be writable!
THIS is the part thats a pain....unfortunately in 2012 HOSTING COMPANIES have changed how php files are allowed to operate. at least for those of us in shared hosting, that is the case.  SO I have NO CHOICE but to change the 777 permissions your script has set. But you already know all that ipOli.

maybe you can list for me here the minimum list of what files or directories absoutely must remain at 777 or 775 or 666 - then maybe I can cut down my ftp time??

I have one of those hosts with the over zealous security measures - so I have to go ftp into each TP install and manually set files to 644 and folders to 755 - with exception to .css files which need 755 to work.

anyway if you look at you will see the list of TGPs I want to put TP into and There HAS TO be an easy way since these are all the same domain and thus same license info. Please tell me thats right ?

SO the plan I had was install into one of the tgps - and before making any changes OTHER THAN to ftp to correct permissions - copy that TP folder to all the other TGPs.

But at the login page of the first copy of TP when I tried this, I got just the top banner and nothing else on the page.  MY ASSUMPTION: theres a file or two that I will have to edit in each of those copied TP folders to make it work.
(This is Version 1.0.9 build 44)

SO can we trade some emails on this topic if you know what needs to happen in my plan to make it successful. Please? I really doont want to go through the WHOLE install and ftp process 17 times....

Trade Pulse Support / Re: how do I set up a network of my sites?
« on: May 19, 2012, 03:06:11 PM »
when I am done - what is my "network url" ??
also what is SYNC?

I know its a newbie question - Im still a TP newbie - so I have several blogs on each of my domains. the root websites all have tp installed. Now I want to put tp to use on my blogs - but I am unsure how to do that.

I am assuming I need to install TP into each folder that has its own blog. can you confirm thats correct or if not correct, how to set that up?


Trade Pulse Support / Re: how do I set up a network of my sites?
« on: May 18, 2012, 03:49:20 PM »
the home URL or the tp url? and if the site was already added as a trade - will that matter? do I remove it as a trade first?

Trade Pulse Support / how do I set up a network of my sites?
« on: May 17, 2012, 06:54:49 PM »
the manual doesn't cover the HOW-TO on the creating of a network. can you give me the how to here?

these are new installs and the traffic is LOOOOOOOW, very low. thats note one. Next I only added one trade - pushed it with a one time force so it wouldnt be inactive - but its still just one trade. thats note two.

SO have any of you ever seen your installs do that? I'm assuming its something in a setting thats not right, but Im a newbie to TP and to traffic trade scripts so I'm just whistling in the dark here trying to figure it out.


Once again, its my Hosting Supports Level 1 techs who are at fault.................I really hate idiots who are allowed to wear IT caps............anyway The culprit was a "new security messure" against php pages misbehaving - mass.php triggered a false positive and was flagged as dangerous and thats why my permission to execute it was forbidden. One of the more savvy techs at my hosting told me that.

where the tech support level 1 comes into play is I ASKED tech support first before coming here what the trouble was. and instead of going to find someone who could answer the question - the level one tech on duty replied back to me it was my script because everything else looked normal..... >:(

so if you find yourself in a mystery where the permissions are 644 on the script and 755 on the dir and it still gets a server permissions type of error - ask your support if "new security messures" might have flaged your php script as falsely dangerous.......................

So how is this going?

email sent

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