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Messages - FourZero

Pages: [1]
 ;D (Resolved)  ;D

Here is the resolution which worked for me:

I am running on a CENTOS 6 VPS hosted at

There was no available Ioncube package through YUM for my distro, so I used the loader from Ioncube's website.

This 99% worked, however it did cause some crashes in random areas of tradepulse.

The resolution was to download the IonCube RPM for Centos 6 via and install that  (I had to force the installation with --nodeps) because my distro must vary slightly from stock.

TL;DR: I'm up and going.

Trade Pulse Support / Re: Blank page and segfault (RESOLVED)
« on: December 25, 2011, 11:34:55 PM »
 ;D (Resolved)  ;D

Here is the resolution:

I am running on a CENTOS 6 VPS hosted at

There was no available Ioncube package through YUM for my distro, so I used the loader from Ioncube's website.

This 99% worked, however it did cause some crashes in random areas of tradepulse.

The resolution was to download the IonCube RPM for Centos 6 via and install that  (I had to force the installation with --nodeps) because my distro must vary slightly from stock.

TL;DR: I'm up and going.

Trade Pulse Support / Re: Can't install the script
« on: December 24, 2011, 07:27:52 PM »
It looks like you ioncube library installed into /home/ioncube/ 

What Flavor of Linux are you running?

on my centos (redhat variant) .so files are in the /usr/lib/php/modules directory.

It looks like your distro may normally put them in /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/

Is there a symbolic link to the file which resides in "/home/ioncube" placed in that directory?  If so, just removing the link and putting a copy of the actual file there may solve the problem.

good luck.


Trade Pulse Support / Re: Blank page and segfault
« on: December 23, 2011, 10:03:24 PM »
UPDATE:  Toplist is definitely the problem.  removing the toplists from my gallery stops the segfaults.

Any advice?  ???

What was the solution?  I am experiencing the same issue, Also there are segmentation fault messages in the httpd log.



Trade Pulse Support / Re: Blank page and segfault
« on: December 23, 2011, 11:42:13 AM »
I think this has something to do with my domain name not matching my tgp link properly. I may just need to get my license straightened out.

Still having issues, seg faults and such

additional info: The toplist section segfaults apache 100% of the time.

Trade Pulse Support / Blank page and segfault
« on: December 23, 2011, 09:07:11 AM »
after adding the "<?php virtual("/tp/ssi_in.php")?>" tag to my gallery, I receive a blank page when I visit the gallery.  After I click reload (f5) it works.  If I clear my browser cache, and visit my site, I get the same thing again.

The apache logs are showing this:

Fri Dec 23 11:53:51 2011] [notice] child pid 18842 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

I just downloaded the software this morning, and the install went fine.  I am on a LiNode VPS with root access running CENTOS.

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