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Messages - phtgpnet

Pages: [1]
Trade Pulse Support / Re: all traffic going to trades, none to content
« on: October 04, 2011, 02:48:37 AM »
thanks both of you,

problem seemed to be me not including the link=gal in the out url. Works as intented now.

Trade Pulse Support / all traffic going to trades, none to content
« on: October 01, 2011, 04:10:58 AM »
hey, im new to pt, just tried to make my first copy work.

i wanted to use the following skim scheme :

column 1 = 100
column 2 = 0
column 8 = 60
column 9 = 30

But when i tried it out i noticed every time i clicked a gallery i was sent to trade.

i was calling out.php in the following way : out.php?url=

i then added another scheme with 60 in column 8 and called out.php as out.php?s=1&url=

Still all traffic went to trades.

i then changed the default skeme to column 8 = 90 , still no luck.

finally i tried out.php?p=60&url=

this seemed to work allright but ild really prefer the skemes to be used instead of a fixed %

am i doing something wrong? overlooking something obvious? or is there really a problem here ?

thanks for any input you can give me

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