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Messages - weini

Pages: [1]
Trade Pulse Support / Trade Pulse -> Bad Productivity
« on: June 22, 2010, 06:00:05 AM »
Hi, i have a site with 2-3k hits/day running with TGPX

I had installed Trade Expert and the site was running constant with 200-220 % productivity. Then i switched to Trade Pulse and my productivity dropped immediately to 90-100 %  Now, two days later productivity is 110 %
But WTF 220 % before, 110 % now :o ??? That's nearly half!

Its the same site, the same thumbs (more or less, because of normal rotation), the same trades, the same skim. Their was no downtime, no settings changed, nothing...

Why did i changed scripts? Because with Trade Expert my Site was dying. Everyday about 30-50 hits less, trades with incoming hits but no outgoing and so on...

And the strange thing is, with Trade Pulse the Traffic is growing from 2-3k to 3.5k/day. With Trade Pulse i see less productivity but more visitors...

How can this happen? Please can someone explain my this and give my a hint to get my old productivity back... Maybe its a setting issue and my visitors do click on thumbs but its not getting counted...

Because i think with trade pulse and 200 % productivity my site will perform as hell and traffic could go through the roof  ;)

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