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Messages - henta0578

Pages: [1]
Trade Pulse Support / Re: Trader considered as spiders
« on: July 27, 2012, 07:37:59 AM »
So they are real spiders, not users.
Ok. Thanks!

Trade Pulse Support / Trader considered as spiders
« on: July 27, 2012, 06:58:07 AM »

Just added 20 sites from a trader, since then I have unusual behaviour.
I get a lot of spiders hits considered as not counted traffic. But they come from Crystal Trader, the script that my trader is using.
And it looks like it is real traffic, because it asks for dynamic content (as I see the eth0 traffic increasing in munin).

My trader says "why doesn't your script count it by refers? CrystalScript actually doesn't change user-agent, because it's up to browser. Maybe we can try to send hits with some special ID in URL that you can provide?"

How can I resolve the issue? Any suggestion would nice.

I have a printscreen of the issue (but can't attach file to post), but I can send it to you by email along with tp access if needed.

Trade Pulse Support / Re: Skim difference settings/stats/multi stats
« on: March 23, 2012, 08:59:20 AM »

I re-open this post because I still have the issue.
I made a new site with skim 98% and it shows 246% in network/stats (but it shows 98% in overall statistics.

I re-send you my tp access info at .


Trade Pulse Support / Re: tp/data/ folder is accessible for everyone ??
« on: January 07, 2012, 01:29:46 PM »
I have nginx and I added this in my configuration file:

    location /tp/data/ {
    deny all;

Everything seems to still work fine.

Trade Pulse Support / Skim difference settings/stats/multi stats
« on: January 07, 2012, 10:31:52 AM »

For exemple for one site:
In Settings/Skim Sheme, I set up skim at 33%.
In Statistics/Overall, I have skim at 39%.
In Network/Stats, I have skim at 44%.

Why this difference?  ???

In Smart-Thumbs settings I set up 'Thumb trade script urls' like this: /tp/out.php?link=st&url=#url#
In Smart-Thumbs template I set up urls like this: <a href="#url0_group1_categoryALL#"><img src="#pic0_group1_categoryALL#" #s0_group1_categoryALL# alt="#alt0_group1_categoryALL#" class="thumb"></a>

Any ideas?

Since update,
first tp toplist page had blank page with segfault,
and now also overview page.

I noticed there is something wrong in stats/ folder (when I replace this folder with another one from a tp that is working, it works fine).

Only 2 tp out of 18 have this issue.

What sould I do, can you take a look?

Trade Pulse Support / Re: TP hacked? redirections
« on: December 19, 2011, 11:29:03 AM »
Problem apparently solved.

Here is what happened if someone else encounters the same issue:

- there were some hacking files somewhere which have been removed
- updated trade pulse to new version (to go above build 35 I had to use tpuploader.php instead of uploader.php) (I had to update ioncube loaders first)

Thanks for your help.

Trade Pulse Support / TP hacked? redirections
« on: December 18, 2011, 01:36:35 AM »

I think I've been hacked. There are some weird stuff going on.
Like beeing redirected to another site that looks exactly like mine, with pop-ups and alert boxes, and music...

My new site with just a few traders has already a warning page from google for malicious scripts, even if it is very clean.

This happens on different sites I have, all with trade pulse.

Could you take a look or tell me how to find hacks on trade pulse and repair?


Trade Pulse Support / Re: nginx fast-cgi --> tp stat are frozen
« on: February 19, 2011, 02:38:15 AM »
Thanks for your reply.

Advance coding... scares me a little, so I went back to nginx for static and apache for dynamic.
I had a problem of both binding on the same port 80, but I resolved it by binding nginx on port 80 and apache on port 8080.

So everything works fine now. :)
Thanks again. bye

Trade Pulse Support / nginx fast-cgi --> tp stat are frozen
« on: February 11, 2011, 05:28:13 AM »

I just moved from apache2 to nginx. Nginx serving static and dynamic content with fast-cig.

Under apache2 everything works fine.
Under nginx, everything works fine (skimming, toplists, st, access to tp...), except that the stats in tp stay the same: the total in or clicks under 24h of all my sites stay still to the same number  :o, even if I see in tp that the hours change and at the bottom Exec time is moving.

Any idea would be welcome.

Trade Pulse Support / Re: URGENT - TP stats not updating after server move
« on: September 30, 2010, 12:00:16 AM »
Actually it's working now!

So I have no more issue.

Thanks, hope this post can help others.


Trade Pulse Support / Re: URGENT - TP stats not updating after server move
« on: September 29, 2010, 11:36:43 PM »

- I changed info for path in /tp/data/settings/ssi_in_conf.php
- set tp/cron.last to 0

but still not working...

Trade Pulse Support / Re: URGENT - TP stats not updating after server move
« on: September 29, 2010, 03:04:16 PM »
Hi. I have same issue: TP stats not updating after server move.

1. the permissions stayed exactly the same
2. the path changed, but I changed tp/variables.php accordingly
3. server time: when I log at the top left corner of tp, there is a time diplayed which is the same as the time of my server.

On the old server my php got corrupted so the stats didn't move since then.
But now on the new server they stay the same without moving.
I guess it is the cron that is not working. Do I have a way to see that? Or do you have any suggestions where it comes from?
Should I run the installer.php over it?


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