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Messages - nick

Pages: [1]
Trade Pulse Support / Re: Bottleneck on TP network
« on: August 03, 2012, 10:53:08 PM »

No need for you guys to investigate anymore, a simple server reboot solved the problem.


Trade Pulse Support / Re: Bottleneck on TP network
« on: August 02, 2012, 01:36:44 AM »

***NOTE -
I uploaded the new install version and now it is to Version 1.0.9 build 44 and it is slow as hell. So the version is not the problem. Can I PM you my info so you can take a look please?

There is definitely something wrong with all my TP installs (25 on the server). Something was probably updated on the server and they are incredibly slow now. Server load is low and Apache requests low. Been running for years. They are all Version 1.0.6 build 35. If i try to update it shows the update box with "There is no any version found on the server." written in bold. If I try to update by clicking "The latest build is available now. IonCube Loader required!" The OK marks appears showing that IonCube is installed but it always comes back to this windows and nothing happens.

If i go to directly it just circle around a logging page and the box described above.

Please help


P.S I also have 25 Progress TM installs with no problems on those

Trade Pulse Support / Bottleneck on TP network
« on: July 31, 2012, 08:04:01 PM »

Just to tell you there seems to be a bottleneck on the network or servers related to TP, it started last night. All my TP admin are incredibly slow to load, specially if I wanna delete trades, edit them, access tools or settings (anything which is not on the main admin page), I see this once in a while but not too often, first time that it lasted so long (12 hrs now). I have the same amount of Progress TM installs and there is no issues with those. I don't know if you are related to Smart Thumbs but it is the same thing only to see the main page of the admin panel. My sites are loading a bit slower but there fine overall.

Just wanted to let you know, if you think it related to anything else feel free to tell me. I am in Canada for my server is in the US.

PS. My server load is low, I restarted Apache... so I doubt there is anything wrong with my server.



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