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Messages - Frank G Hastings Jr

Pages: [1]
Trade Pulse Support / Re: Problem with permissions
« on: April 11, 2010, 03:06:19 PM »
Well thanks for the help, I might have set the public_html as output knowin me. You have a nice day.

Trade Pulse Support / Re: Problem with permissions
« on: April 11, 2010, 07:45:10 AM »
But files can be written to at 755, on my host. Even had trades going threw. Don't need trade pulse to change files anyway, just to redirect traffic for trades.  But you probably know more than me. Suppose ill look for a different trade script. Thanks for the help.

Trade Pulse Support / Re: Problem with permissions
« on: April 10, 2010, 08:55:58 PM »
Actually scripts can write to database when its set to 755, with the host I use. My smart thumbs works just fine, and it rewrites pages quite often, and stores thousands of pics in a database. The only problem is when a folder get changes to 777, is that its scrips are no longer usable. I need trade pulse to stop chmod my folders. 

The host I use is a bit weird and they explained that I can have scripts I have uploaded write files when set to 755, and so far it has worked. Only when trade pulse set folder to 777 do I have problems.

I have removed trade pulse and have had no problems since, However trade pulse is very good, so I still what to use it if anyone has any suggestions.

Thank for your reply thoe, I understand that 777 is the norm when needing write permissions.

Trade Pulse Support / Problem with permissions
« on: April 10, 2010, 10:07:49 AM »
My host does not show any pages that are set to 777, now the script works just fine with 755, but the problem is that

when ever I try to change the top list setting my public_html file get chmod to 777, which then prevents any scripts from running.

And every 15 minuets the top list updates and chmods them back to 777, which takes down my site. Same thing happens when I try

to turn top list off, it chmods to 777 before settings get saved ,is there any way to fix this.

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