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Messages - Javier Lopez

Pages: [1]
I tried this but no luck........

If anybody has any suggestions please let me know....

Trade Pulse Support / Script Pulse and MechBunny tube script problems
« on: March 18, 2012, 10:57:44 AM »
I'm trying to set up my Mechbunny tube script with Scriptpulse but the include file is causing problems.

I have tried these two methods but no luck:

<?php virtual("/tp/ssi_in.php")?>


if($thisfile == 'index') {

Which is suggested here:

Mechbunny also suggest this:
1) You can disable mod_gzip in apache and any compress/gzip/etc stuff in php.ini, restart apache and the above code will work.

But I would prefer to do a php include...

Does anybody have a fix to this ?

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