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Messages - Kevin

Pages: [1]
Still looking for help with this issue, the script is basically non function for me at this point.

ipOli, I'll pay for the installation if you guys can get this thing working for me.

I have that code inserted right after the start of the body tag. That's what's driving me crazy, I just can't figure out where the problem is. U can go to my url and see it in the source code.

I have included the required code in every imaginable way. I am using it in wordpress as I have a wordpress/smart-thumbs hybrid with wordpress being the first thing that loads on the page.

I have put the following between the <head> and </head> tags over and over different ways but incoming hits are never counted from trades or anything except noref_in:

<?php virtual("/tp/ssi_in.php")?>

<?php include('/home/cpanel-hankphon/public_html/tp/ssi_in.php'); ?>

<?php include("/tp/ssi_in.php")?>

<?php require_once("/tp/ssi_in.php")?>

I almost always just get an error code like: Fatal error: Call to undefined function virtual() in /home/hankphon/public_html/wp-content/themes/atahualpa344/header.php on line 28

right now i have it in there and it is not showing any errors, however, it still isn't counting incoming click right.


looking for any help at all as I have active trades but have no idea what is coming in from them except from what i can see on other third party stats site. I've tested several ways and it won't count incoming for me yet. I'd really like for someone to just log into my tp/ftp and just work their magic.


admin [at]

Pages: [1]