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Messages - Jonathan

Pages: [1]
Trade Pulse Support / Re: No_ref Traffic increase!
« on: December 26, 2009, 04:29:03 AM »
Thanks for the reply.

Is there a way to disregard this traffic, or set my no ref to send to an exit or something? My prod has gone down to about 50 on some of the sites, and its getting confusing what is going on in terms of figures and prod levels.


Trade Pulse Support / No_ref Traffic increase!
« on: December 26, 2009, 02:59:23 AM »
Hi Guys,

I wonder if you maybe help me out here please?

Ive noticed that a few of my sites have all of a sudden started to get a high volume of no_ref traffic (About 3-5K) extra a day. I know it never used to be like that, and this is the first time its happened for months.
After reading other forums, its looks as though this might be a bot etc.
I know that I can lok in the Analyser menu, but not quite sure exactly what Im looking for. Is there anything that should be standing out at me. It states that the traffic from no-ref is US, but I cant seem to figure out from which IPS, and then how to block, if needed.

If this is just a one hit wonder, perhaps related to the new year or something, then no worries, but should I do something about it?


Trade Pulse Support / General Settings Modifications - Any tips?
« on: October 14, 2009, 11:12:13 PM »
Hi Everyone,

Firstly I just wanna say hi to everyone!

Im moving over my sites from TTT to Trade pulse and so far Im liking the script.

At the moment Im running on the default settings (60%) and all is fine, except that Im wondering if anyone has any tips or settings in mind that they would recommend.

My sites range from 3-5k at the moment and Id love to get them over the 5k mark, Im by no means an expert, but any info or advice on what seems to work for others would be appreciated.


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