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Messages - patavax

Pages: [1]
Trade Pulse Support / Re: Fix stats how?
« on: January 24, 2011, 02:21:55 AM »
Thanks for the update Kildoozer.
I did delete the stats file and it was restored and now I have good stats and also my trades are working again.

Many thanks!

Trade Pulse Support / Re: Fix stats how?
« on: January 20, 2011, 07:24:41 AM »
I have the same issues that are returning. In october 2010 I had 2 of my sites with frozen stats. They were fixed by TP support but today I have again one of my sites with frozen stats and I also would like to know how I can fix the issue without waiting or without asking support.


Trade Pulse Support / Re: cron_error_log.txt
« on: June 25, 2010, 06:34:15 AM »
OK I will wait for kildoozer to answer this issue.


Trade Pulse Support / cron_error_log.txt
« on: June 25, 2010, 02:04:28 AM »

I have +30 domains using TP since october 2009 and they all worked very well till recently.

Since one of the latest updates I have noticed that not all of the uniques and clicks are counted.

1 example: on one of my domains the stats of the visitors are not updated and stay the same. So if I watch over a time period of 6 hours I see that TRADE SITE X sends me the same amount of visitors every hour while there should be differences every hour.
This is not only for TRADE SITE X but for all my trades...

I think the script still works but that the real visitors + clicks are NOT counted on a right manner in my STATISTICS OVERALL.

To find out what is wrong, I have noticed that in the root of this domain there is a CRON_ERROR_LOG.TXT file.

I did send the content of this file to my HOST ( my servers are 100% FULLY MANAGED by one of the best hosts (techiemedia)) and they said I had to contact the script makers.

This is the content of the CRON_ERROR_LOG.TXT file:

[24-Jun-2010 00:08:23] PHP Notice:
 fputs() [<a href='function.fputs'>function.fputs</a>]:
send of 249 bytes failed with errno=57 Socket is not connected in /usr/home/**USERNAME-OF-MY-DOMAIN**/domains/**MY DOMAIN**/htdocs/tp/top_thumb.php on line 488

Can somebody help me out of what is wrong?

The above info is only for domain A

I have also noticed that on my domain B I have also a CRON_ERROR_LOG.txt file with a different content:

[23-Jun-2010 00:29:22] PHP Notice:  unserialize() [<a href='function.unserialize'>function.unserialize</a>]: Error at offset 956 of 956 bytes in /usr/home/**USERNAME-OF-MY-DOMAINb**/**MYDOMAINb**/htdocs/tp/class.Trader.php on line 68
[23-Jun-2010 00:29:23] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  totals in /usr/home/**USERNAME-OF-MY-DOMAINb**/**MYDOMAINb**/htdocs/tp/c.php on line 711
[23-Jun-2010 00:29:23] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  23 in /usr/home/**USERNAME-OF-MY-DOMAINb**/**MYDOMAINb**/htdocs/tp/c.php on line 711
[23-Jun-2010 00:29:23] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  00 in /usr/home/**USERNAME-OF-MY-DOMAINb**/**MYDOMAINb**/htdocs/tp/c.php on line 711
[23-Jun-2010 00:29:23] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  Hin in /usr/home/**USERNAME-OF-MY-DOMAINb**/**MYDOMAINb**/htdocs/tp/c.php on line 711
[23-Jun-2010 00:29:23] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  Hout in /usr/home/**USERNAME-OF-MY-DOMAINb**/**MYDOMAINb**/htdocs/tp/c.php on line 712
[23-Jun-2010 00:29:23] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  Hclick in /usr/home/**USERNAME-OF-MY-DOMAINb**/**MYDOMAINb**/htdocs/tp/c.php on line 713

Can somebody help me out on these issues?


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