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Messages - Lolek Lol

Pages: [1]
Trade Pulse Support / Re: question about strange SE refs
« on: April 26, 2009, 02:44:16 AM »
I've got about 60-70 % uniques from google. Actually always had like this, even from the top kw in first 10.

I've been looking for such option in "new trades" settings, in trade edit either. I've searched this forum too. Anyone now how to get rid of this info about new trader, after some time i.e: after a week ,or after nr of visits of admin?

edit: Found it. I need to tick approved all new trades inside trade edit ;)

Trade Pulse Support / Re: problem with overal stats count
« on: January 04, 2009, 10:22:49 AM »
I didn't.
It came back itself to normal. It seems, after creating many more sites, included inside of your tgp, it just stop refreshing stats (like installing it at the beginning (first time)  )???

I think it may help -I've created archives sites (about 10 more categories + 10 subpages for each), after build it, tp has been frozen for few hours.

Best Regards

Trade Pulse Support / problem with overal stats count
« on: January 03, 2009, 04:32:28 PM »
I'm running 2 tgp sites on free ver. of TP (both Version 1.0.1 build 11 now). Both are trading with each other. On one of them statistics/overall stopped changing few hours ago. Statistics/hourly looks fine on it, trade with this site from view of my other site looks also fine. It seems that it just freezed the counts in tp statistics/overall.

Can anyone help me with it?

Best Regards

edit: sorted out

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