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Messages - tony

Pages: [1]
Trade Pulse Support / Toplist help
« on: May 10, 2011, 10:07:05 AM »
I havent used tp in a while figuired to give it another whirl, I made a toplist but it seems to be not correct i used this in my .tpl

Code: [Select]
<table width="950" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2">
    <td width="187" align="center"><a href=../../tp/out.php?to=%%DOMAIN1%%&link=top'>%%NAME1%%</a></td>
    <td width="187" align="center"><a href=../../tp/out.php?to=%%DOMAIN2%%&link=top'>%%NAME2%%</a></td>
    <td width="187" align="center"><a href=../../tp/out.php?to=%%DOMAIN3%%&link=top'>%%NAME3%%</a></td>
    <td width="187" align="center"><a href=../../tp/out.php?to=%%DOMAIN4%%&link=top'>%%NAME4%%</a></td>
    <td width="190" align="center"><a href=../../tp/out.php?to=%%DOMAIN5%%&link=top'>%%NAME5%%</a></td>

I made .html blank and rebuild the list, and what I get is one link and it goes to the incorrect site. I only have 2 trades. at the very bottom is where the toplist should be. HELP!  ???

Ok so url= prefix is not needed on out going links? Also when i load i get a blank page. Is there where i went wrong?

Hello, i have multi-niche site and i have created groups for just two of the niches too test and i use link syntax like this: tp/out.php?p=65&gg=tranny&url= and tp/out.php?p=65&gg=pee&url=. I use gg because i dont want shemale site to show up with pee, or pee to show up with bbw. When i do some test clicks though shemale is showed with pee also. What am i doing wrong?  :'( help, please thank you.

Trade Pulse Support / Newb struggling to get started
« on: September 10, 2009, 06:35:35 PM »
Hi i installed tp today and i am really confused  ??? I have used ep in past but i decided to give this a try i hear so much good about it. I am confused because i try to setup tp on wordpress and i get no where. I even try it on my pages not wp and i get nothing. Ok i guess im struggling with toplist and ssi_in code. Heres the steps i take so far:
I install tradepulse in /tp directory
then insert in wp root index file on first line
Code: [Select]
<?php virtual("/tp/ssi_in.php")?>then i upload trade.html template
then insert
Code: [Select]
<?php include("pathtofile/trade.html"); ?>
but i dont get anything?  ??? any help step by step for noobs?

Pages: [1]