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Messages - Kapaw

Pages: [1]
well i wanna have one thumb following each trade  :D

Trade Pulse Support / how to get thumb for each trade.. not the grabbing
« on: December 28, 2008, 06:20:05 AM »
Hello.. how can i get a handpicket thumb for each trade.. what is the syntax and what to paste in the trade settings ?

Thanks ;)

Trade Pulse Support / grabber dont take all the trades and make thumbs
« on: December 13, 2008, 01:08:40 PM »
Hello. why doesnt it take thumbs from all my trades.. it only generate thumbs for 12 trades

Any settings to set?

Trade Pulse Support / Re: grabber use thumbs from other sites.
« on: December 10, 2008, 01:27:47 PM »
okay super.. ill wait for it  8)

Trade Pulse Support / grabber use thumbs from other sites.
« on: December 10, 2008, 01:14:42 PM »
Hello. maybe i did something wrong but some of my sites are useing the thumbs from other sites, insted og the thumbs there made for it..

toplist is like:

<img src="%%THUMB1-1-1%%" width="80" height="55" />
<img src="%%THUMB2-1-1%%" width="80" height="55" />
<img src="%%THUMB3-1-1%%" width="80" height="55" />

and my toplist2:

<img src="%%THUMB1-1-2%%" width="80" height="55" />
<img src="%%THUMB2-1-2%%" width="80" height="55" />
<img src="%%THUMB3-1-2%%" width="80" height="55" />

am i wrong here or what ? ???

Trade Pulse Support / Thumb grabber takes bookmark and logo's
« on: December 08, 2008, 02:57:55 PM »
Hello.. the thumb grabber takes logo's and bookmark gfx.

my stop words: ads,banner,logo,template,header,top,book,head_book

Where it takes gfx the header is called logo and head_book

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